Benchmarking Falcor.js

In the past few weeks I was figuring out how to solve a problem of a chatty communication between client and server considering that we are close to the release and I have already got few ideas in mind to improve the product I’m working on right now.

Thinking to possible solutions I thought to search online few different approaches that could help me out to solve the problem, at the beginning I was thinking to refactor the REST APIs in order to create them closer to what the UI needs (backend for frontend pattern) but then I remembered that I had bookmarked few projects that could help me out to implement this pattern without reinventing the wheel.
So on friday night I started to investigate Falcor.js, a library made by Netflix that was trying to solve exactly my same problem and they honestly solve the issue in a really smart way.

Let’s imagine you have a client that needs to call several REST end points in order to aggregate the data for a specific view, independently from how large is the amount of data to retrieve you have to bear in mind few other drawbacks like:

  • latency
  • no caching on specific data because they are real time data or tight to a specific user
  • amount of data to display in a view (maybe without a paging API available to split them in several views)
  • pre-flight calls for CORS end points
  • internet connection speed (mobility vs home vs office)
  • content negotiation

All of these, and probably many others, could be causes of a bad user experience and quite often we postpone to address these problems after the release of our online products.
So if we can minimise the impact in somehow we could provide a better user experience and therefore our products could be faster, more interesting and raise a good success with our users also when they have poor connection signal on their favourite device.

Here is where Falcor.js comes in support, in fact with Falcor we can minimise the amount of calls to specific end points because this library is leveraging the idea of a unique data model that could be interrogate by our clients asynchronously via Falcor APIs optimising the amount of queries to it under the hood.
The query system allows not only to fetch data from Falcor model but also to get only the data you need to use in a specific view.

From Falcor.js website

Looking at the image above you can spotted immediately the possible problem that Falcor solves brilliantly with a unique model.
In fact the Router is aggregating data from different end points and therefore the client can request exactly what needs in a nice and simple way.

Let’s try to explain how the system works first:

From Falcor.js website

The client will create a connection to a JSON model using the HTTPDataSource provided by Falcor.js client library that will allow to start the connection between the client and the backend data model.
On the backend a Falcor router is created and inside this instance there will be the description of the different queries available and what are the data to return as router system.
Doing this each client will download only the data that effectively needs to render the page and not an element more (sometimes reducing drastically the amount of data to load).
Also each client won’t need to interrogate ad hoc services for retrieving ad hoc data created for it but will just query the same data model created for the entire application only querying different end points.
As you can see from the diagram above this part sits between the client and your backend system creating a middleware that could be use only for specific end points or for the entire application.

Another interesting characteristic of Falcor is how it can optimise the query to the data model, in fact activating the batch mode, Falcor will gather all the queries to a specific route in a tick of your application performing all of them and possibly optimising to a unique roundtrip the requests instead of multiple roundtrips!

Last but not least Falcor allows you to query the APIs implementing a paging mechanism when you are iterating elements inside lists. For instance if you have an array of elements to display in your view but the APIs provided by the backend team don’t include any paging parameter, Falcor helps you via the query system, retrieving only a certain amount of elements via the paging mechanism.

So after watching the few videos available on Falcor and reading all the documentation in the website I started to experiment directly on the chatty issue I’ve got in my project.
I can’t really share the code I’ve used for my spike mainly because I’m using the product end points but I can share with you some benchmarks and thoughts on that for now.

Currently the catalogue I’m working with is composed by 5 calls to 5 different end points in order to display THE catalogue inside the view.
There is also a timer where every few minutes these 5 calls are performed again in order to retrieve new data that possibly could refresh the products available for the user inside the page.
Obviously behind the scene the application is doing several other calls in order to synchronise its status and performing some checks, but for now let’s focus only on the catalogue part.
I extracted the 5 calls in a simple HTML page replicating the current situation in the product and gathering some metrics to understand which was the starting point and how much Falcor would be able to improve the situation.
These are the benchmark I’ve retrieved for 5 XHR calls to different end points when the data are cached and when they aren’t:

NO CACHED XHR (after 5 calls):
average time on 10 tests ~678ms
average kb on 10 tests ~111kb

CACHED XHR (after 5 calls):
average time on 10 tests ~126ms
average kb on 10 tests ~3.1 kb

Then what I did was implementing a Node.js gateway where using the Falcor Router and the Falcor model I was able to query only the data I needed (and not downloading the entire JSON with information not needed for that specific view), I’ve optimised the query to the Falcor model via batching requests and these are the results with Falcor in place in front of the product APIs:

NO CACHED WITH FALCOR (Falcor optimise the 5 calls to only 2 calls):
average time on 10 tests ~32ms
average kb on 10 tests ~5 kb

CACHED WITH FALCOR (Falcor optimise the 5 calls to only 2 calls):
average time on 10 tests ~10ms
average kb on 10 tests ~406 bytes

This is really a good performance boost considering the amount of data we downloaded by default that are now optimised via Falcor queries; several roundtrips saved because of the batching requests optimisation natively available in Falcor APIs and the nice asynchronous implementation to fetch data from the unique model.

I’ve to admit that I was really surprised and I believe sooner than later I’ll introduce Falcor.js in production because it can really simplify the pipeline of work and provide great benefits to your applications in particular when you are targeting different low end devices like in my project.
Another think that would be good to invest time on(maybe another weekend :P) is GraphQL, the main “competitor”, maybe I’ll be able to do a 1 to 1 comparison based on the same problem and see which is the best library for a specific problem.

Meanwhile if you want to start playing with it I recommend Falcor website and I encourage you to keep an eye on this blog because I’d like to share in another post more technical information about Falcor that will allow you to understand how easy is working with it.


Hapi.js and MongoDB

During the Fullstack conference I saw a small project made with Hapi.js during a talk, so I decided to invest some time working with Hapi.js in order to investigate how easy it was create a Node.js application with this framework.

I’ve to admit, this is a framework really well done, with a plugin system that give you a lot of flexibility when you are creating your server side applications and with a decent community that provides a lot of useful information and plugins in order to speed up the projects development.

When I started to read the only book available on this framework I was impressed about the simplicity, the consideration behind the framework but more important I was impressed where Hapi.js was used for the first time.
The first enterprise app made with this framework was released during Black Friday on Walmart ecommerce. The results were amazing!
In fact one of the main contributor of this open source framework is Walmart labs, that means a big organisation with real problems to solve; definitely a good starting point!

Express vs Hapi.js

If you are asking why not express, I can reply with few arguments:

  • express is a super light and general purpose framework that works perfectly for small – medium size application.
  • hapi.js was built on top of express at the beginning but then they move away in order to create something more solid and with more built in functionalities, a framework should speed up your productivity and not giving you a structure to follow.
  • express is code base instead hapi.js is configuration base (with a lot of flexibility of course)
  • express uses middleware, hapi.js uses plugins
  • hapi.js is built with testing and security in mind!


Let’s start saying working with this framework is incredibly easy when you understand the few concepts you need to know in order to create a Node project.

I created a sample project where I’ve integrated a mongo database, exposing few end points in order to add a new document inside a mongo collection, update a specific document, retrieve all documents available inside the database and  retrieving all the details of a selected document.

Inside the git repo you can find also the front end code (books.html in the project root) in Vanilla Javascript, mainly because if you are passionate about React or Angular or any other front end library, you’ll be able to understand the integration without any particular framework knowledge.

What I’m going to describe now will be how I’ve structured the server side code with Hapi.js.

In order to create a server in Hapi.js you just need few lines of code:

let server = new Hapi.Server();
server.start((err) => console.log('Server started at:',;

As you can see in the example (src/index.js) I’ve created the server in the first few lines after the require statements and I started the server (server.start) after the registration of the mongoDB plugin, but one step per time.

After creating the server object, I’ve defined my routes with server.route method.
The route method will allow you to set just 1 route with an object or several routes creating an array of objects.
Each route should contain the method parameter where you’ll define the method to reach the path, you can also set a wildcard (*) so any method will be accepted in order to retrieve that path.
Obviously then you have to set the route path, bear in mind you have to start always with slash (/) in order to define correctly the path.
The path accepts also variables inside curly brackets as you can see in the last route of my example: path: ‘/bookdetails/{id}’.

Last but not least you need to define what’s going to happen when a client is requesting that particular path specifying the handler property.
Handler expects a function with 2 parameters: request and reply.

This is a basic route implementation:

   method: 'GET',
   path: '/allbooks',
   handler: (request, reply) => { ... }

When you structure a real application, and not an example like this one, you can wrap the handler property inside the config property.
Config accepts an object that will become your controller for that route.
So as you can see it’s really up to you pick up the right design solution for your project, it could be inline because it’s a small project or a PoC rather than an external module because you have a large project where you want to structure properly your code in a MVC fashion way (we’ll see that in next blog post ;-)).
In my example I created the config property also because you can then use an awesome library called JOI in order to validate the data received from the client application.
Validate data with JOI is really simple:

validate: {
   payload: {
      title: Joi.string().required(),
      author: Joi.string().required(),
      pages: Joi.number().required(),
      category: Joi.string().required()

In my example for instance I checked if I receive the correct amount of arguments (required()) and in the right format (string() or number()).

MongoDB plugin

Now that we have understood how to create a simple server with Hapi.js let’s go in deep on the Hapi.js plugin system, the most important part of this framework.
You can find several plugins created by the community, and on the official website you can find also a tutorial that explains step by step how to create a custom plugin for hapi.js.

In my example I used the hapi-mongodb plugin that allows me to connect a mongo database with my node.js application.
If you are more familiar with mongoose you can always use the mongoose plugin for Hapi.js.
One important thing to bear in mind of an Hapi.js plugin is that when it’s registered will be accessible from any handler method via request.server.plugins, so it’s injected automatically from the framework in order to facilitate the development flow.
So the first thing to do in order to use our mongodb plugin on our application is register it:

   register: MongoDB,
   options: DBConfig.opts
}, (err) => {
   if (err) {
      throw err;

   server.start((err) => console.log('Server started at:',;

As you can see I need just to specify which plugin I want to use in the register method and its configuration.
This is an example of the configuration you need to specify in order to connect your MongoDB instance with the application:

module.exports = {
   opts: {
      "url": "mongodb://",       
      "settings": {          
         "db": {             
            "native_parser": false         

In my case the configuration is an external object where I specified the mongo database URL and the settings.
If you want a quick and free solution to use mongoDB on the cloud I can suggest mongolab, when you register you’ll have 500mb of data for free per account, so for testing purpose is really the perfect cloud service!
Last but not least, when the plugin registration happened I can start my server.

When I need to use your plugin inside any handler function I’ll be able to retrieve my plugin in this way:

var db = request.server.plugins['hapi-mongodb'].db;

In my sample application, I was able to create few cases: add a new document (addbook route), retrieve all the books (allbooks route) and the details of a specific book (bookdetails route).

Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 23.44.38

If you want to update a record in mongo, remember to use update method over insert method, because, if correctly handled, update method will check inside your database if there are any other occurrences and if there is one it will update that occurrence otherwise it will create a new document inside the mongo collection.
Below an extract of this technique, where you specify in the first object the key for searching an item, then the object to replace with and last object you need to add is an object with upsert set to true (by default is false) that will allow you to create the new document if it doesn’t exist in your collection:

db.collection('books').updateOne({"title": request.payload.title}, dbDoc, {upsert: true}, (err, result) => {
    if(err) return reply(Boom.internal('Internal MongoDB error', err));
    return reply(result);



If you are interested to go more in deep about Hapi.js, I’d suggest to take a look to the official website or to the book currently available.
An interesting news is that there are other few books that will be published soon regarding Hapi.js:

that usually means Hapi js is getting adopt from several companies and developers and definitely it’s a good sign for the health of the framework.

Wrap up

In this post I shared with you a quick introduction to Hapi.js framework and his peculiarities.
If you’ve enjoyed please let me know what you would interested on so I’ll be able to prepare other posts with the topics you prefer.
Probably the next one will be on the different template systems (handlebars, react…) or about universal application (or isomorphic application as you prefer to call them) or a test drive of few plugins to use in Hapi.js web applications.

Anyway I’ll wait for your input as well 😀