The art of coding

Today I spent few hours in my favourite London museum: The Design Museum.
I went to the main exhibition called Designer, Maker, User where they created a journey between these 3 actors explaining how they are linked together and all the innovations they brought up in the past 100 years in different industries like transportation, fashion, design and so on.

During the time spent in the museum I was able to create a parallelism between the exhibition topic and the software world.
I truly believe that we are creating some sort of art when we write code, if you want in an hidden way because our users can appreciate just the “visual” result more the journey behind it but in a certain way it’s what we are evaluating when we look at a statue or a painting right?


At the beginning of this journey there was a sign with the topic explanation:

Design is a process carried out by people, for people.
At its heart is a dialogue between three key people: the designer, the maker and the user.
[…] The exhibition shows how designers respond to the needs of makers and users, how users consume and influence design and how revolutions in technology and manufacturing transform our world

Does it sound familiar? Have you ever thought how many times we are executing this process on a daily basis in our job?
All the innovations we went trough in the past few years moving from procedural programming to functional programming, from MVC to Reactive architectures, from Monolith to Microservices architectures?

Have you ever realised how important is the feedback loop (dialogue between designer, maker and user) in our job too?
A feedback loop that is partially hidden behind techniques like unit testing, TDD, continuous integration or continuous delivery.
I saw several times in my career people integrating or using these techniques without understanding why they should do it.
The feedback loop is a well known technique in many Agile and Lean frameworks and you can learn about ita lot from different talks and books.
If you are curious how to improve it I’d suggest to start reading a book on Kaizen, you will discover the feedback loop as cornerstone for your continuous improvement journey.


Few steps later, I found a couple of subway maps: the first London Tube Map and the New York subway map.

the first Tube Map

Both were created around 70s with the main intent of simplify how to travel across the city.
Independently that these maps distort the reality not providing a perfect representation of the city, they become the standard for travelling for millions of users from all over the world.

The takeaway here is the simplicity: simplicity in our code, simplicity in our tests, simplicity in our architectures, simplicity in our daily tasks.

A technique that I learnt during my career is no matter how complex is a specific task or implementation, it can always be divided in smaller chunks of work and when you reach the smallest one, then you can start working on it.
This approach will give you 2 main benefits:

  1. you are defining a list of steps to follow in order to create a more complex algorithm, therefore you are already thinking how to achieve the final solution in a systematic way.
    I’d suggest you to write down the list of things to do so you can visually see what you need to achieve (what is not visualised, doesn’t exist)
  2. if you have a list of small tasks that you can achieve in minutes instead of hours your self awareness will grow minute by minute and at the end of the day you will see many things achieved instead “just a few” big tasks.


Another interesting video that I watched in the museum was related to the design of new Tube trains available in the future.
In this case the main goal for the designers would be increasing the frequency and the capacity of each line maintaining the same infrastructure.

new London Tube train

A part from the current infrastructure (tunnel size for instance) the designers need to take in consideration how often these trains will be replaced.
In fact each train will remain in use for 30–40 years and you can understand how many innovations and improvements the humans can do in this large amount of time.
So they approached the problem taking in consideration the 2 big constrains (time and infrastructure) and they designed a larger train optimising every single centimetre inside each coach, creating bigger entrances for speeding up the access inside the coach but, more importantly, for accommodating the future innovations that could improve their trains, they have created modular part inside each coach that could be removed and exchange with something better in the future.

That approach completely blew my mind, the modularisation of applications is a problem solved in many ways inside the software world.
Encouraging loosely coupled relations over tight coupled ones, is a cornerstone in all the main frameworks.
Think for a moment about the frontend framework evolution where, after React release, they moved all to a more component-oriented architecture.

Think then to all the design patterns that are encouraging decoupling objects since the beginning of the software history… it’s incredible how easily we can retrieve these important concepts of software engineering in the real world.

If we want to take a similar approach in an industry closer to the software one, let’s talk about the Fairphone 2 released in 2016.

Fairphone 2

Fairphone 2 is a modular phone that will guarantee the longevity of your device changing different parts on demand instead the entire phone.
The company made the modularisation a feature of the new device.
Totally a different approach taken by Apple with the iPhone for instance where replacing a part of the phone is (almost) impossible.

Every time you are thinking on a new or existing project, think about how to modularise it, how to break dependencies and improve your code.
In particular how the different modules are going to “stick” together.
Often we don’t spend much time on the “contracts” between systems, but it’s very important investing the right amount of time for creating the “perfect glue” for your application.
Think how much we have done in the bast moving from a monolithic architecture to microservices where communication, monitoring and logging are way more important of the code is running inside a microservice for instance.

Wrapping up

We are often very busy working with new libraries, frameworks and languages; anyway sometimes we will need to stop for few hours or even a day, looking around us and understand that probably the next innovation in the software industry could be “borrowed” by existing tools already available in the real world.

2015 the birth of London JS community

We are very close to the end of 2015 and it’s time give a look back to the first 11 months of this year understanding what I’ve accomplished and trying to get some resolutions for the new year as well!

2015 for my professional life  was a year of changes: I moved to a new job, I learnt new programming paradigms (reactive and functional programming), I met a lot of incredible and talented  people and many many other things.

Probably the biggest changes (or old loves?) are the creation of London JavaScript community and my returning as speaker on technical talks after a couple of years of inactivity.

Last May I started a new adventure creating a new JavaScript community in London; I spent a month to understand how and why I could do that properly.
I had the possibility in the past to be staff member of the largest Actionscript Italian community and it was really a great experience.
I was young, with a lot of passion, not much experience and the community was the perfect place for growing properly, meeting new friends, learning from the different people, trying to solve technical puzzle everyday and having fun why not!

Starting again this experience in a new country it was a real challenge for me, but this time, with way more experience than the first time, clear ideas and a touch of madness.

In 2013 I had the opportunity to spend few months in Silicon Valley and I went to several meetup events and conferences from San Francisco to San Jose.
What I was really impressed of that environment was for sure the vibe I was able to breathe in any of these events.
People from all over the world that help each others, facilitating the connections between individuals, creating opportunities and sharing knowledge.
I was astonished about this way of doing community and when I moved from Italy to London I spent the first 18 months going to different events trying to retrieve the same experience and vibe.

When I started the London Javascript community my main goal was definitely recreating that vibe in this great city where the best developers all over the world are working in interesting projects with a lots of challenges to solve.
That’s why I decided to do that, filling a gap present in London communities where there were many and strong vertical framework communities (like React and Angular one), but not a strong and general JavaScript community.

After 8 months I’ve to admit I’m very happy about the results that this community was able to generate:

  • ~1400 members
  • 7 live events
  • 1 code lab for half day
  • 2 webinars
  • an average of 60 people per event
  • Listed as O’Reilly Community partner, Google Community and Skillsmatter Community
  • Community Partner of great events like: FullStack conference and Dot.JS conference
  • more than 1900 tweets & retweets with more than 500 followers

I had also the opportunity to meet great speakers, amazing developers and passionate people.

What this community is giving me back is really invaluable and really hard to find in similar activities too, I’m really grateful of any single moment spent organising any event.

What about the resolutions for 2016?

Recently I started to gather the interest from several companies that are asking me to organise meetup events in their offices and that means all the hard work done is paying this community back!

I contacted few speakers from California and next year I’m organising a couple of webinars with speakers from Silicon Valley and directly from Google office in Mountain View.

I’m already in contact with few great speakers ready to share with the community tips and tricks on different topics like webpack, jspm, angular, webrtc, react and ES6! Keep an eye on the community page in order to discover more about these events.

Last but not least, I’m working right now on the official community website that will be a SPA website with socials integration and the possibility to subscribe to a technical newsletter where I’m going to share the best articles, tutorials and events on the web.

Obviously these are already in the roadmap but I’m really open to listen what the JavaScript community is looking for! So don’t waste this opportunity and share your ideas on how to grow and make more special OUR community!

Haxe-watchify: automatic build tool for Haxe and OpenFL projects

I’ve started recently working in a new company very focused on cross platform projects with Haxe.
In my commuting time I worked on an automatic build tool for Haxe and OpenFL projects.
The tool is called haxe-watchify and with a sample JSON file or directly through the command line, you’ll be able to setup how to continuously build your project in background during your development flow.
Haxe-watchify has got interesting features in particular for the Haxe target like the possibility to setup the completion server instead the traditional compiler to speed up the building of your projects.
In fact the completion server implements a cache system to build faster your projects, in this case haxe-watchify takes care for you to start the server and communicate with it.

Currently I’ve published the tool on npm registry so in order to install it just type in your CLI:

npm install haxe-watchify -g

I wrote an extensive documentation on how to use the tool on the readme file on the project repository otherwise you can check the –help command directly on your terminal window.
I tried for now only on Mac OS X so if you find any bug in any other platforms please let me know

I’ve already thought few possible implementations to add in the next releases like a pre and post build in order to launch your tests or run static analysis tool or assets optimisation and then move to the build.
Anyway I’m very keen to learn more about your current projects workflow and how haxe-watchify could help you to improve your situation.

if you want to share any comment please do feel free to share adding a comment to this post or via email

Approaching Scrum

Have you ever felt disappointed because you don’t finish a project in time?
When you try to estimate a project you feel like a poker player?
Have you ever wrote bad code because you were overtime and you needed to delivery as fast as possible?

If you think that there isn’t a way to escape from this nightmare you are completely wrong and I understood it in the las few months as well!
I don’t want to say that with Agile you can solve everything, but what I can say that for sure it can help you to achieve your goals and deliver in time with the best quality and value for your customers or users.

Let’s start from the beginning…

What is Scrum?

Scrum is an iterative and incremental Agile software development framework for managing software projects and product or application development. Its focus is on “a flexible, holistic product development strategy where a development team works as a unit to reach a common goal” as opposed to a “traditional, sequential approach”. Scrum enables the creation of self-organizing teams by encouraging co-location of all team members, and verbal communication among all team members and disciplines in the project.

A key principle of Scrum is its recognition that during a project the customers can change their minds about what they want and need (often called requirements churn), and that unpredicted challenges cannot be easily addressed in a traditional predictive or planned manner. As such, Scrum adopts an empirical approach—accepting that the problem cannot be fully understood or defined, focusing instead on maximizing the team’s ability to deliver quickly and respond to emerging requirements.


When you start to read about Scrum a lot of things seem impossible to apply in your daily job but I think that, like any transition period, you can arrive to work completely in Scrum in less than 6 months if you really want change your organization and improve it.
From my experience Scrum is a good framework that should be used extensively if you are working in products that will be delivered to the final user, otherwise you have to train up your customer to be Agile; but in the real world it could be more difficult.
Mainly because you need to have a good trustability before start to involve them in an Agile process and sometimes there isn’t enough time to do so.

Why have I to use Scrum?

That’s a good question, it was the same that I asked me few months ago and finally I’ve an answer, if you are a developer think when you started to write the first lines of code, obviously day by day you increase your knowledge and your code became even better until to the procedural code it wasn’t enough and you try to look to something more.
Then you have discovered OOP concepts and maybe design patterns, after few times you started to work with MVC, MVP, MVVM or your favourite architecture and probably after many years if you look back you won’t write procedural code anymore.
Does it sound familiar?
In the same way of Design Patterns and a micro-architecture that drive you to create solid and maintainable project, Scrum can help you to organise your projects creating a great business value, knowing every time the next steps and the actual status of the project, estimating better the goals and the time to achieve them and last but not least to drive the risk in a better way than the “traditional” methodology (waterfall model for instance).

How does Scrum works?

Scrum diagram

As you can see from the diagram above, Scrum is an iterative workflow that happens in a small amount of time (usually 2 weeks or 4 weeks at least) where with few documents and a lot of communication you can achieve the best trade off between the business value for your final customer and the best quality of your software.
Scrum is composed by some actors (Product Owner, Scrum Master, Development team and Stakeholders), some meetings (Release Planning, Backlog Refinement, Daily Scrum, Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective) and few artifacts (Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Burndown chart, Product Increment).
The most important concept that you have to keep in mind is that Scrum is easy to use and to understand but if you want to have its benefits you have to follow its rules.
To enter in this interesting world you have to keep in mind the 3 main concepts of an empirical process like Scrum:

  • Transparency
  • Inspection
  • Adaptation

Without this 3 fundamentals principles, Scrum it’s not useful at all!
Transparency means that you and your team don’t have to hide anything to anybody, if there are any impediments or problems or bottleneck following Scrum you can find and resolve them.
Inspection means that you and your team have to analyse what you have done after a small amount of time (Sprint Retrospective) and find what positive or negative was happened during that period.
Adaptation means that everything is not binary (0 or 1, true or false) but you have to adapt your way to work day by day improving yourself inspecting what you have done and being agile!

If you want Scrum is not only a good approach to work, it could be a good approach for life as well!
(Check also this useful article on Scrum Alliance website that explains Scrum in 30 secs)

Ok, now I’m really interested in Scrum, where to begin?

There are many books that allow you to enter in this amazing world, the first one that I can suggest you is Essential Scrum: a practical guide to the most popular Agile process

Essential Scrum
Essential Scrum

In this book you can really understand how the Scrum framework works and how to use it in your daily job.
I also suggest it if you are planning to join in a Scrum training course, it can really help you to have a good preparation for the course and for the following certification exam.

Next steps

What I’d like to share with you is my notes about Scrum studied on books, read on blog or social networks and share with my fellows, my idea is to fix few concepts on this blog that could be helpful also for people that is approaching Scrum right now or they would like to know more about it.
There are really tons of things to know and you’ll never finish to learn (as usual) so I think a blog it could be a good resource to share the basic of Scrum and in the future, going more in deep with real case studies related to my daily job.
I hope you will enjoy this information that are not what you usually find in my blog but maybe could be interesting as well, as usual any suggestion will be very appreciated so don’t be shy and share your thoughts!

Having fun with Adobe AIR

Hi All,
this post will be in Italian, in particular is dedicated to the whole community of Italian mobile developers.
Having fun with Adobe AIR is a free event in 6 different Italian cities where people will learn how to create or improve own cross platform applications made with Adobe AIR for mobile devices.
For any question feel free to leave a comment to this post or drop me an email.


Ciao a tutti,
mi chiamo Luca Mezzalira e sono l’organizzatore di “Having fun with Adobe AIR” un evento dedicato a tutti gli sviluppatori mobile che vogliono avvicinarsi ad una tecnologia cross-platform, come Adobe AIR, per la realizzazione delle proprie app o game su smartphone o tablet.
In collaborazione con alcuni importanti sponsor, come Adobe e BlackBerry per esempio, che ringrazio innanzitutto, sono riuscito ad organizzare 6 tappe in giro per l’Italia dove in una giornata andremo a scoprire le potenzialitĂ  di Adobe AIR, andremo a sviluppare degli esempi pratici che possano far vedere il workflow per la realizzazione di un’applicativo mobile.
Infatti l’evento è basato sulla formula BYOL (Bring Your Own Laptop) dove ogni participante dovrĂ  portare il proprio computer con installato Flash Builder dove potrĂ  creare i proprio applicativi e installarli poi nel proprio tablet o smartphone.

Se ti stai chiedendo se è una perdita di tempo perchè Flash è “morto”, beh credimi, non è cosĂŹ.

Infatti Adobe sta continuando a sviluppare questa tecnologia dando nuove potenzialitĂ  per la creazione di applicativi mobile e desktop, dall’accelerazione in GPU all’integrazione con Native Extension e molto altro ancora!

Durante l’evento avremo la fortuna di avere con noi degli speaker Adobe, in alcune tappe, che ci daranno la possibilitĂ  di scoprire su cosa si sta concentrando Adobe e quale sarĂ  il futuro della piattaforma.
Un evento totalmente gratuito che credo possa far piacere in Italia a molti sviluppatori che vogliono iniziare a muovere i primi passi nel mondo mobile oppure quelli che giĂ  ci lavorano ma vogliono alternative valide con cui sviluppare.
L’evento avrĂ  un massimo di 20 partecipanti circa per tappa e sarĂ  di una giornata, le cittĂ  in cui si svolgerĂ  saranno Milano, Torino, Bolzano, Padova, Firenze e Bari.
La registrazione è obbligatoria e dev’essere fatta tramite il sito dell’evento:
Se invece preferisci seguirci direttamente sulla nostra pagina facebook ecco l’indirizzo:

Per qualsiasi dubbio o domanda non esitare a contattarmi via email o lasciando un messaggio su questo post.
Spero di vederti ad una delle tappe del tour!
A presto


mPresenter 2: become a baker!

Hi All,

Today I’d like to share with you my IndieGoGo campaign to raise $35.000 for mPresenter 2.
mPresenter is a cross-platform software composed by 2 different tools: a mobile manager and a desktop viewer.
It helps you during own presentation to your boss or clients, during a public talk or only when you want to show your holidays photos to your friends.
It’s totally free (7.000 downloads from the stores) and it’s available on Android and iOS marketplace; the desktop app is downloadable directly from the mPresenter website.

With the new release I thought to deliver 2 new main features: mPresenter client to deliver slides trough P2P connection (goal to 15.000 bucks) and the other one is port mPresenter (client and editor) to tablet with a new stunning GUI !

I’d like to take your attention to the $3.000 donation where we customize a special version of mPresenter for your company with a skin dedicated to you, I think a good idea to have a different tool for work force to show products or service, for example, with a cheap investment
if you have any question, suggestion or anything to say me, feel free to contact me directly via email or leaving a comment to this post.

Thank you for your time and thank you in advance if you’ll become my baker!
Thank you also to anyone that decide to spread the word on social networks 😛

I tell you a story…

Long, long time ago there was a company called Adobe that changed the aim of a great platform like Flash, so Flash became from “write once, run everywhere” to a platform where developers could create games, mobile apps and desktop apps but not everywhere.
But a day Adobe decide to collaborate with Microsoft to create a Flash Player with amazing performance on tablets and on desktop too, and that moment my brain started to imagine a new future, maybe impossible, maybe a nightmare or maybe a dream…come with me in this fantastic story!

We can start with Adobe side, they donate Flex framework to Apache foundation, so MXML, FalconJS, Blaze and so on are now in this great foundation where communities are working on the new release of Flex framework 4.8.
Adobe is working a lot on HTML5 and JS side to create new tools for designers and they are moving fast on mobile side too with Phonegap.
Adobe stuff are mainly (or trying to be) cross-platform, so contents made with Adobe solutions work on Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows.

In the other hand we have Microsoft with C# (that is powerful and easy to write for a Flash Platform developer with good skills in development), XAML (the Microsoft answer to Flex), WPF, XNA and Silverlight; an ecosystem dedicated mainly to Microsoft OS from desktop to XBox.
Microsoft is trying to promote JS on develop contents for its new operating system: Windows 8.
Microsoft has Expression Studio that is the “poor baby” for a web designer that is more comfortable with Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash so with the Creative Suite!

Last week everybody read about the Adobe and Microsoft partnership for delivering Flash Player on Windows 8 (desktop & metro), but if they are working on that, maybe a day they’ll talk about AIR… this is they key of the story.

Try to imagine.

Adobe has a total penetration of Flash Player on desktop, with AIR you can work easily on desktop and on iOS, Android and QNX OS (BlackBerry one) then they are working on new tools for the future of web on HTML 5, CSS3 and JS like Muse, Edge and Dreamweaver too.
Microsoft has a lot of money they don’t have a cross platform ecosystem (there are some third party solutions like Mono but are not the same), they have strong technologies and partnership (Nokia for example).

And what do you think will happen if Microsoft plans to buy Adobe?!

Imagine a day where a developer using Visual Studio and writing C# and XAML could define to export own project on desktop with AIR, or better on mobile OS or in a browser in HTML5 with the same (I mean the SAME) base of code, same tools of development and an amazing integrating workflow from the idea to the software delivery…so WOW!!!
Bringing the powerful of Microsoft and the smart technologies of Adobe could be an amazing opportunities for both companies, and for developers too, to innovate in the best way ever the multimedia era.

This could be a real dream… what is missing now, probably, is to find a driver that lead the multimedia scenario because everyday we receive tons of emails about new framework, new technologies, new programming languages and developers are scared to bring a direction because probably it will not be the right one, probably next week or next month they will have to study another one and another one again…

Dear reader, try to imagine a world where you can really focused on create the silver bullet software, without think which will be the new JS framework or which are the new features of the latest Flex release… a world where you have only to think about contents in the best… maybe it could be a dream or maybe could be a the best place to live… sorry… to code.


There is another fact that I remember only now… by the end of 2010 Adobe and Microsoft CEOs meet in Microsoft headquarters to talk about what?!
It could be another indication of my conspiracy theory… maybe we’ll have some surprises next year!

Speaking at WHYMCA about Haxe for Flash Platform developers

Hi Guys!
I’ve a good announce to share with my followers, next 24-25 May in Bologna will take place WHYMCA a great mobile conference where I’ll be speaker with Piergiorgio Niero and we’ll talk about Haxe for Flash Platform developers.
We’ll discuss on why we choose Haxe instead JS or other languages, we evaluate differences between Haxe and AS3, we’ll show pros and cons to use Haxe, we’ll show you how create content with Haxe for JS, Flash, Android, iOS and so on.
Finally we give you some tips to getting started with Haxe 😀

So we are waiting for you at WHYMCA! see you there guys!


This is our session about Haxe during Whymca in Bologna:

Flash Platform Galaxy: why choose Flash Platform

In those days I’m reading a lots of mailing lists, forums, blogs and so on where Flash Platform supporters are so disappointed about the latest marketing movement of Adobe.

In fact yesterday Adobe announced that they stop the development of Flash Player on Mobile devices (on Desktop they are going ahead).
The road is clear HTML 5 inside the browser and Flash Platform for RIAs, Games and out of browser in combination with Adobe AIR.

For me Adobe for the second time (the first one was during Adobe MAX) has totally mistaken how to communicate this news and obviously tech blogs bring this announcement like the end of Flash…
Personally I don’t think that is the end of Flash but I think that Flash is moving on a new position in multimedia world probably out of browser.
I’m an Adobe addicted, like you know, and in particular I’m a Flash Platform supporter, so I think that we have to move on and make something to spread the word about this foggy situation, guys, Flash Platform is ALIVE!
To do this, I start making a pdf file called Flash Platform Galaxy that could help people to have an idea of what is Flash Platform and why choose it ( I know, I’m not a graphic designer but I think it could be useful), if you want to add more informations or change something feel free to leave a comment at this post or drop me a line via email.
Let’s go guys, we have a platform to save 😉

Flash Camp Milan review

Yesterday in Milan we had the Flash Camp about Mobile topics and then we had the Flash Camp Party at NH Hotel… really wonderful time.
Like you know, in Italy it’s not so easy to organize those kind of events because usually people don’t move to another city like other foreign countries but Flash Camp had a great success.
This camp was organized in the same place of WhyMCA the mobile revolution, an italian conference focused on mobile topics.
We had 50/60 people per session and I’m glad to say that my session had 80 people so I’m happy about this little success.
All the sessions surfed in deep about CG, design patterns, video optimization for mobile, flex on mobile and so on, so I was really excited to take part in this event.
My session was about Design Pattern for Mobile, I talked about 3 design patterns: Singleton, Observer and Presentation Model.
With a couple of samples (that you can download from this link) and few slides I made an application that run with the same base code on tablet and smartphone; this is an hot topic now on mobile world in particular on Flash Platform side.

In next few weeks I’ll make a post about Presentation Model to share my thoughts about this argument and how to use it in your project , but if you want to start with this topic, take a look at this great post on RIArockstars.

Finally I’d like to thanks the Flash Mind, Adobe Flash Platform User Group Italy, to give me this opportunity, WhyMCA staff for the amazing organization, other speakers of Flash Camp for great time spent together and people that came to talk with us during the Flash Camp and to the beer party too.
I leave also a link to some photos took during Flash Camp in Milan.